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sara brady memories May 8, 2012
well sis here it goes,

i remember me and you use to sneak out of the 2 story house in hope all the time so we could go next door and play with the kids and the first night we got bo i remember he was hummpin your back, sorry sis but all we could do was laugh. and the one time me you and jessie was driving moms car around the drive way and you ran over the stick so when i drove it i could not turn it and we put that big hole in the side door. so we got scared and tried to cover it with ducktape and paper bags. then we left the house cause we knew when mom came back that she was going to beat us :). god i am so lucky to have so many memories with you and i will let your nephews know about the good times we had. i love and miss you cheryl.
Mom Memories April 27, 2012
Well My Babygirl I think I can finally post on here. 

From the very first time I laid eyes on you with your curly blonde hair and chubby cheeks until you took your last breath while I stroked your forehead and told them that I loved you and it would be okay...I have been so blessed to be your Mommy...There is no book when it comes to raising kids but I feel in my heart I have been the best mom I knew how to be to you all you kids. There are no other kids in this world that are more loved than you guys. I have so many fun memories  and as I can I will post them just so I will have them in my golden years.
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